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Biden ought to look up this: China's Final Warning - Wikipedia

This is Russia but he consistently falls for it because contrary to what some claim in this matter, he and Jake are terrified of escalation and quite frankly I can't wait to see Jake Sullivan given the boot, I think Biden has been a brilliant domestic president but his foreign policy over the past year has been quite awful despite how strong it started, his brain rotted on foreign policy matters since Israel's invasion.

He became more focused on escalation management for Ukraine instead of winning and with Israel let them do whatever the fuck they wanted, even Ukraine was complaining about how much Israel gets away with while they have to follow a thousand different stupid rules and be the perfect little good boy because America is scared of Russia's nukes. Even Lukashenko says Russia wouldn't use nukes ever because it would never benefit them and he's Putin's puppet, Lol.

If foreign policy positions of Israel/Ukraine were reversed then I'd say Biden would have been looked back on very positively by future historians but they're not. Maybe he still might though because Americans largely don't care about foreign policy.

Having said that, I can see pretty damn clearly that Trump-Vance would be 100x worse for Ukraine than Harris-Walz based on past history and their own damn statements, worse for Europe, worse for American allies and yes, even worse for Palestine (which is already horrific). I hope after election people can put pressure on Harris to step up for Palestine and block offensive aid to Israel and hopefully her national security advisor isn't as much of a coward as Jake Sullivan when it comes to Ukraine.

But uh, I think Americans in this thread are sick of foreign policy talk...I've said all this shit in the Russia-Ukraine thread anyway. Just making clear that I don't think Democrats are some angels when it comes to foreign policy but I know Republicans will be far worse. 

Now...Storm Shadow ban will be lifted soon according to reports, if people say to me that Biden was right to be cautious then I'll just suggest to them that they just wait and see what Russia does in response to a British missile hitting their country, I'm betting that I'll still be on VGChartz next month and UK won't be a nuked wasteland.