Went trough a bit of a gaming slump the last days:
- Finally finished Doom 64 really enjoyed that one..
- So I played Powerslave next, and ugh......it is really weak, also the character can't stay underwater for more than 5 seconds ...
- Then tried Turok again but the huge levels that all look the same really annoyed..
- Star Trucker also dissapoints me, I love Euro Truck and I hoped I would Star Trucker aswell but the space setting makes trafficking harder + the need of always getting batteries/Oil etc is rather annoying and hurts the flow of the game
- Doom + Doom II is basically the same but with MP...okay...
-Antigraviator looks fine but also felt to much like a mobile with rubberbanding AI making it not fun...
-Started up the Grandia collection but during the intro cutscene that isn't skippable I closed the game, really not in the mood for a story driven RPG at the moment
- Played Armikrog short, funny, felt good and make me miss Neverhood/skullmonkeys;
Now just wondering what to play next...hmm..