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XtremeBG said:
SvennoJ said:

That's a lot of rose tinted glasses viewing.

PS3 had a terrible game library the first year(s), far behind the 360. I remember a long game drought after launch.

All my PS3 controllers have failed, those things weren't durable at all. Very flimsy, especially compared to the 360 controllers. I had problems with the charging ports, the sticks, the directional buttons, the triggers. They were nice lightweight controllers yet now I use a DS4 controller for my PS3 since all 7 or so of my PS3 controllers are either dead or have issues. (One continuously fires directional buttons at the lightest touch of the controller)

Both my 60GB launch PS3 and 80GB 'movie player' PS3 died from YLod. PS3 slim is still going.
PS3 never had full BC in Europe, only US versions had the complete package. But unfortunately they died on me, no more full BC, no more card reader.

But yes, that was still a time where tech got cheaper a lot faster over time and scaling up production. Now inflation and scarcity have changed that for all computer electronics. But let's not forget Sony lost 4 billion or more on PS3 :/ Just get blu-ray to win over HD-DVD (luckily). PS3 was sold at $300 loss, it was actually a $899 console.

I am comparing it to this console generation, not the 360. I am talking about 7th gen vs 9th gen, in the second part of the post. The first one was only about PS3. Even if you want PS3 alone, there weren't many games in those launch years compared to the later years for it, however they were still more and better than the games released for PS5 so far. Other thing is almost all of the games on PS5 so far are available on the PS4 as well. And I am not including them. I am pointing out 7th gen exclusives vs 9th gen exclusives, not games available on the last generation too. However even if we include them last gen and next gen it's still way better period for games 2006-2008 PS2&PS3 vs the PS4&PS5 2020-2024.

The controllers things maybe it's just you. I have never had any problems with my dual shocks, for 15 years I had total of 3. And not because they broke, but because in the beginning I bought second so that I can play with a friend from home, on one console, both of those controllers lasted many many years. In 2015-2016 I changed my first controller with brand new one limited edition, cuz first the limited edition one was nicer and second the battery after so many years of play wasn't as good as new one. I am still playing with this controller to this day and it's flawless. The other one the second for home party playing I sold in 2018 because it wasn't needed anymore. Other than that many of my friends were also very happy with their dual shocks 3s, and even many customers from the video game store I worked in before too. Guess you just didn't have luck with them or maybe some of them were fake (there were many of those fake ones selling all over the web) or they may be sixasix, for which I can't tell anything about durability. Also I am not saying dual shock 3s are bulletproof, but that they are way better for longevity than the PS5 or even PS4 controllers. And especially battery.

Also about your PS3 systems failed, I haven't said anything about that, don't know why you included it. The first years of the PS3 and the 360 were full of systems that were overheating and getting YLOD and RROD left and right. That is a fact. If you get the latter revisions you are like bulletproof. Especially the last versions of the FAT systems for both consoles or the slim ones. I have the last FAT units from both, and they are simply tanks. And no, I am not saying this just because my systems got lucky or something. I researched specially about that on the web, since it was very interesting topic for me, watched videos, look through reddit posts, comments, forum posts and wikipedia dev sites for both systems and all the revisions. The best 360 system out there are not the S models or the E ones, but the FAT Jaspers and the FAT tonaskets/kronoses (the jasper v2), and for PS3 is debatable which is the most reliable there is many opinions if it's the later slim models from 2011 or the last FATs. But either way the last FATs are either the most reliable or the second most reliable after the slims from 2011. But in short, if you have gotten bad revision the chances of YLOD or RROD are big. This is maybe the only better thing the 8th gen and 9th gen has over the 7th gen. And it's partial since it's only for the launch years of those systems, after that they were just as reliable.

About the backward compatibility, I am giving example here of the launch units. that are the US and Japan ones, not the later ones. I know very well that they cut the backward compatibility later, but even if you throw the Europe units partially or not partially it's still better. The XBOX 360 had one too, which was for all of it's models. And braking or not I am talking about what we get at the time, vs what we are getting now. Not what the company later decided to remove or if those models were braking.

I mostly play PSVR2 games since it came out. No lack of games to play there. I still have many unplayed games from the first couple years as well, while I had nothing to play on PS3 first year but PS2 games. But to be fair I have a lot less time for gaming now.

PS3 had a great library but it came later, but indeed still faster than it's going this gen.

Btw you're praising the durability of the later systems, while also praising the BC of the launch models. There were no durable BC systems, hence I mentioned it. I lost both BC machines. What we're getting now is durable machines without having to worry what revision / model number you're on.

What we're also getting now is full BC with PS4, with the games running better and loading faster. Much better BC than PS3 had.

As for the controllers, I had a lot more time to play back then. Plus 2 small kids and my wife playing as well. Lots of wear and tear. One big issue was the flimsy charge port, not kid proof. Once you can't charge the controller anymore it's worthless. Also sticky kid fingers lead to sticky face buttons that get stuck :/

My kids are older now, less sticky :p I play a lot less, actually more with the Sense controllers than the Dualsense. So far they're lasting a lot better. However my oldest keeps getting stick drift (he plays a lot).

DS4 were bad as well. The R2 trigger kept failing or rather not going 100% after a lot of use. Since I was playing GT Sport non stop, no good if you only get 95% throttle...

Anyway so far I have had the least issues this gen, but also the play less :/