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Trump fans are so shook they're inventing about a million different conspiracy theories as to why Harris won, from her having the debate questions ahead of time, to biased moderators, to her having an earpiece in, Lmao. This is what happens when you say stupid shit like "Harris never had to work for anything in her life" and believe that same stupid shit, then you underestimate your opponent and your brain breaks when they actually perform well so you then have to come up with a bunch of different stupid shit as to why that happened.

Wow! A former Attorney General and District Attorney was well prepared?! What a surprise!


"The second the stage hand said they were clear for a 4 minute break, Trump turned towards the exit, gave a big sigh through closed lips, and walked off stage without looking at Harris.

"From the time the moderators announced they were going to break, Harris began writing on her notepad. She wrote continuously for the entire first two minutes of the break, occasionally bringing one hand to her chin or brushing hair behind her ear.

"She then reviewed what she wrote for the next minute, making a few tweaks, before putting the pen down and looking out around the room with her hands folded in front of her. She took a sip of water from a glass placed under the lectern.

"Trump walked back onstage 30 seconds before the end of break. He did not look at Harris, she did not look at him. Harris made small adjustments to her collar. Both candidates looked straight ahead until the program restarted.

"Again, no words were spoken."


+ Trump Media Shares Plummet To Record-Low After Debate