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Israeli forces detain Red Crescent crew in Tulkarem

Israeli forces have detained five members of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society’s (PRCS) ambulance crew in the Tulkarem camp in the occupied West Bank, according to Al Jazeera Arabic.

Citing the PRCS, AJA added that the group has lost contact with the crew now.

The incident comes as the Israeli military continues an offensive in the north of the occupied West Bank. The assault targeting Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas began on August 28 and is the military’s largest assault on the occupied territory since the second Intifada in the early 2000s.

The group says the emergency workers continue to be in detention since dawn today, and were apprehended while transporting several people, including children, from Tulkarem refugee camp.

Israeli forces destroy street during raid in occupied West Bank city

An Israeli bulldozer destroyed a street and other infrastructure during a raid in Tulkarem.

The destruction from an Israeli forces raid in Tulkarem