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HRW condemns Israel’s use of digital tools in Gaza war

Human Rights Watch has condemned the Israeli army’s extensive use of digital tools in its war in Gaza, saying it uses “faulty data and inexact approximations to inform military actions”.

The New York-based watchdog said surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools help determine who or what to attack in Gaza and when, but rely on data collected through systematic Israeli surveillance of Gaza residents “in a manner that is incompatible with international human rights law”.

“The Israeli military’s use of these tools, instead of helping to provide more accurate targeting and minimise civilian loss of life and property, may be exacerbating the risk to civilians and raises grave ethical, legal, and humanitarian concerns,” it said.

Health system in northern Gaza subjected to ‘systematic’ destruction

Directors of hospitals in northern Gaza have just addressed the media over the healthcare situation in the region.

Here is a summary of what they said:

  • The health system is being subjected to “systematic” and “massive” destruction.
  • The Israeli bombing of northern Gaza has intensified and is directly affecting the health system.
  • The Indonesian Hospital will go out of service within 24 hours if it does not receive much-needed fuel.
  • International organisations must provide medical supplies.

Al-Mawasi attacks show humanitarian zones are in name only: NRC

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has said repeated attacks on densely populated areas of Gaza demonstrate that Israel’s “unlawful relocation directives have failed to protect or offer any guarantees of safety for Palestinians.”

The humanitarian organisation said al-Mawasi has a population density of more than 30,000 people per square kilometre due to Israel’s multiple Israeli evacuation orders.

“For 11 months, Israel has been forcing Palestinians in Gaza to flee from place to place without offering them genuine assurances of safety, proper accommodation or return once hostilities end,” Jan Egeland, secretary-general of NRC, said in a statement.

“Images of metres-deep craters burying dozens of tents where children and their families slept moments earlier are horrifying,” Egeland added. “The events of last night provide further evidence that there is no safe place in Gaza and that only a ceasefire will prevent further loss of life.”