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US not probing killing of its citizen Aysenur Eygi in West Bank: Officials

Officials in the United States have said that Washington still does not “know with full certainty what transpired” when a US citizen was killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank last week, stressing that they were waiting for the findings of an Israeli investigation.

The US on Monday also appeared to reject calls for an independent investigation into the fatal shooting of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi. State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel declined to acknowledge that an Israeli soldier killed Eygi, but he called for the process to “play out and for the facts to be gathered”.

He also urged Israel to “quickly and robustly conduct” its probe and make the findings public but confirmed the administration is not planning to independently investigate the killing – as Eygi’s family requested.


Israel asks US Congress to urge South Africa to drop ICJ genocide case: Report

Israel is lobbying members of the US Congress to press South Africa to drop its legal proceedings in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over the war in Gaza, according to an Israeli Foreign Ministry cable obtained by US news outlet Axios.

“We are asking you to immediately work with lawmakers on the federal and state level, with governors and Jewish organisations to put pressure on South Africa to change its policy towards Israel and to make clear that continuing their current actions like supporting Hamas and pushing anti-Israeli moves in international courts will come with a heavy price,” the cable reads, according to Axios.

The Israeli diplomats were urged to ask Congress members to issue public statements condemning South Africa’s actions against Israel, the outlet said.

South Africa has until October 28 to give the court its arguments for continuing the case against Israel over alleged violations of the Genocide Convention throughout the war in Gaza. It first filed the case in December 2023.

Following that, the court held several hearings and issued provisional orders, most recently in May when it called on Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah.

The United States of Israel against the world...

How does that even work when a dozen other countries have already requested to join

EU’s Borrell visits ‘warehouses full of aid’ blocked by Israeli authorities

The European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says he saw “endless queues of trucks with goods trying to enter Gaza” on a visit to the Egyptian side of Rafah crossing today.

“I heard the frustration of Red Crescent volunteers managing warehouses full of humanitarian aid blocked by Israeli authorities,” Borrell said in a post on X, noting the banned items included medical equipment, tents and sleeping bags.

“This dramatic situation has to be solved by political means,” Borrell added, renewing calls for a ceasefire and the “release of all the hostages”.

Renewing calls aren't doing shit. You know it's long due time for sanctions Borrell. Stand up to the UK, Germany and Italy, get your house in order. The ICJ has been clear, the EU is complicit in genocide and apartheid if failing to act.