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The future looks to be heading for increasing inequality.

First there is the energy and water crisis, next to climate change making things more difficult.
Then the advancements in gene enhancements, the elite will literally be able to make elite babies.
With AI and robot advancements, we could get to a stage where the elite doesn't need the plebs anymore.

Nuclear fusion can solve the energy crisis, but it will be expensive and controlled by those with money to fund fusion power plants.
Desalination plants powered by nuclear fusion can solve the water crisis, yet again, it will be controlled by those holding the money.
AI as well, corporations will be going against each other to produce the 'best' AI.

So what happens to the common people, addicted to their social media, mostly blind and deaf to what's going on around the world. For now the world still runs on consumerism, which needs people making debts. Yet at some point Capitalism will reach a dead end.

No idea what comes next. A Star Trek Next Generation type future would be great, but no idea if humanity can get there. Of all the problems in the world to solve, greed is still left going unchecked. The root cause of all current problems.