shikamaru317 said:
Wouldn't 15k or above round up to 0.2m? That was how i was taught to do rounding in school anyway. The worst part is that France is counted among the 10 countries. France was like a 1.8m lifetime market for Xbox One I think, but Xbox Series isn't tracking anywhere close to being able to hit 1.8m lifetime in France. |
Well 0.195m is the lowest 0.20m can be so end of June could have been as low as 195k. 0.214m is the highest 0.21m can be so 214k at end of July is possible. A 19k difference. I'm not entirely sure what the reason could be for Xbox Series doing so much worse in these countries compared to Xbox One. After all PS5 is doing worse in Europe launch aligned than PS4, so it's not like PlayStation is stronger than last gen in these countries.