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The screams of my villagers will haunt me for the rest of my days.

While I'm waiting for this achievement to pop, I'll post my thoughts as I've finished all 3 Campaigns now, it was good! For some reason I was surprised by how lengthy the campaign was, I figured since it's a remake of an old game it would probably be short but nope, the first campaign has like 32 levels, the 2nd has 4 and then the 3rd campaign had around 12 levels so there's a lot in it, that's without going into multiplayer/skirmish.

Story was fun, campaign scenarios were interesting, nice maps and challenges, a lot of fun to play around with different armies like the Greeks, Egyptians, Norse, etc. and their mythological beasts and Gods. Works fine on Xbox, it's easy to play with a controller, it lagged a little once or twice when I was spamming armies with dozens of buildings built but other than that a 99% smooth experience.

Will be interested in playing Age of Mythology 2 now.

Going to read through the compendium.