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Israeli forces fire live rounds, tear gas in West Bank raids

We’ve been covering renewed Israeli raids on the Tulkarem and Balata refugee camps in the northern West Bank and have more information on military operations elsewhere in the occupied territory.

According to the Wafa news agency, Israeli forces have:

  • fired tear gas at Palestinians who were waiting to cross a military checkpoint in Hamra in the northern Jordan Valley
  • raided the village of Einabus, south of the city of Nablus
  • arrested a young man from the Qalandiya camp, north of occupied Jerusalem, after storming several homes, assaulting people and interrogating them
  • shot a young man in the thigh after storming the town of al-Ubeidiya, east of the city of Bethlehem, and searching several homes, and
  • fired live rounds at a group of Palestinian workers in the Wadi al-Hummus area, northeast of Bethlehem.

Israeli soldiers demolish another Palestinian home in the West Bank

Israeli forces have demolished a two-storey house in the town of Hizma near Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank, according to the Wafa news agency. The soldiers raided the town with heavy machinery and fired tear gas and sound bombs to force the family of six that lived there to leave the building, Wafa reported.

Jordan-West Bank bridge to remain closed today

The Public Security Directorate of Jordan has announced that the King Hussein (Allenby) Bridge will remain closed for passengers and cargo for today. The public security agency said the closure will remain in effect “until further notice” but did not elaborate, according to the state-run news agency Petra.

Palestinians stranded as Jordan border crossing remains closed

Jordanian authorities say the King Hussein (Allenby) Bridge crossing will remain closed until further notice. It was previously hoped that it would be reopened at 10am which is this hour but that has not happened.

Around 9am, there were passengers arriving here in anticipation of the border crossing being reopened in order to return to their homes in the occupied West Bank, but authorities turned them away.

There aren’t many passengers, vehicles or buses at the moment. Initially, the opening was just for passengers and all three crossings between Jordan and Israel were supposed to be reopened but the status of the crossings in the north and the south remains unclear.

Palestinians who we have spoken to have said they are stranded and are unable to get home.

Israeli forces raid agricultural land; settler attack reported in Jericho

Israeli authorities have demolished an agricultural facility and uprooted palm trees in the village of Marj Na’jeh, north of Jericho. A resident told the Wafa news agency that Israeli military bulldozers raided his farm and destroyed it.

An Israeli settler also attacked students of al-Ka’abneh Bedouins School in the Arab al-Melahat community northwest of the city of Jericho, and prevented them from reaching their school.

Wafa cited witnesses as saying an armed settler from the illegal Zohar outpost blocked the students’ way at the start of their school year.

Israeli forces have significantly ramped up their attacks on Jericho and Bedouin communities since the start of the war on Gaza, with some of the incursions turning deadly.

Funeral of Turkish-American activist killed by Israel begins in Nablus

A funeral procession is taking place in Nablus, occupied West Bank, for Aysenur Ezgi Eygi.

The 26-year-old Turkish-American was taking part in a protest against illegal Israeli settlements on Mount Sbeih in Beita, south of Nablus when she was shot dead by Israeli forces.