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Chazore said:

It baffles me how years later, Sony's W back in 2013 could now be considered a pure fluke, as in they merely took advantage of MS's epic blunder, and not that they had the possible blunder pre-planned to take advantage of, but also the decade ahead. 

Like looking at how they coasted all of last gen, because MS wasn't even putting up much of a fight, and now seeing this gen, where they're just enforcing PSN, making Live services their main meat & potatoes, while also having it all blow up in their faces and using shitty excuses like "we have no original IP's" (while they are sitting on a treasure trove of god damn beloved IP's and have done for years).

I swear 2013 was their biggest fluke, not even a genius move, because to say it was a genius move would say all of these blunders were "according to plan". There is no way they did well for one gen (like they did during PS1-2 gen) and then just fucked it all away on purpose.

It's just amazing how Sony are adopting the MS approach and fucking things up for themselves. Like bro, GIVE US THE GOOD GAMES WE'VE BEEN ASKING YEARS FOR.

True management at PS messed up this generation. Jim Ryan's incessent push for live service titles to address their concerns verses Microsoft, and their buyouts of ABK made them bunder and made really dumb decisions. A lot of arrogance just like when Sony revealed the PS3.

Like the buyout of Bungie for billions without so much research. As a support of such to their other studios; for their plans for several GaaS games - at the time. Then studios like Firewalk Studios (while having some talent) and trusting them with hundreds of millions and several years of development. To chase trends several years out of date in a saturated market they made.. whatever Concord was. Putting your flagship studio (Naughty Dog) on a live service games when they have no experience on that before, and then cancelling it.

Its like a rolling effect of execs who think of making product for shareholders, rather than the quality of product that customers really want. And yeah the lack of IP's talk was just hogwash. Time to hire some more creatives or with some vision and go back to making games. Not everything has to be a sequel or a cinematic experience in the hundreds of millions. Just make fun games, just like back in the PS1 and 2 days. Heck you could even copy Nintendo's homework and release smaller and still great experiences.

But to be fair their are some decent studios like Team Asobi that aren't so close to their HQ in California that are tainted by the hubris and are allowed just to make games, for the players.

haxxiy said:

Hindsight is 20/20 and all.

There's a universe where gamers flocked even more heavily to playing just one multiplayer online title and Sony's strategy paid off handsomely. But ours isn't it, so all there is left is to pivot back to their winning strategy with the PS3 and PS4 in spite of rising development costs.

Of course, now they're placing the games on PC to help keep their profits climbing higher. But that's risky, too, since PS looked to be building an ecosystem over generations that could rival Steam but now there's little incentive to buy a PS5 if you own a PC. We'll see what the future brings.

I just think the the choice of games. When you had Concords actual game reveal that was did not go down well and was essentially ratioed. That should be a big indicator of a game should perform. SEGA saw that with Hyenas, cancelled and wrote it off not long after. Fairgame$ looks like its going to be next game to fail, unless they do something dramatic from it. But idk sometimes you just got to pull the plug if something aight right.

Its not like they can't get success on PC. Helldivers 2 was storming success on Steam and iirc that's where the majority of the player base bought and played the game. And their other games have some quite well for older ports. I think that going day one with their games will benefit them a lot instead of treating PC users as second class citizens but thats another can of worms lol. At least that would give a lot of people good will in buying their games instead of late ports.