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Israeli authorities force Palestinian to demolish own home in East Jerusalem

Israeli authorities have forced a Palestinian resident in Beit Hanina, East Jerusalem, to demolish his own home, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

On Saturday, Raed al-Rajabi was compelled to tear down his residence which housed more than 10 family members and was built in 2014.

Authorities claimed it was built without a permit. The Jerusalem Municipality, controlled by Israeli authorities, regularly denies building permits to Palestinians – effectively forcing them to either demolish their homes themselves or face forced demolitions accompanied by hefty fines.

According to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, 101 structures were demolished in East Jerusalem between May and July 2024, making 137 Palestinians, including 70 minors, homeless.

Israeli military excavators demolish the house of the Palestinian Abu Zahra family in the Beit Hanina neighbourhood of Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem on February 20

Israeli forces issue notices to stop construction in Rafat: Report

Israeli forces halted the construction of a stadium and houses in the village of Rafat, west of Salfit in the occupied West Bank, Wafa reported.

The head of the Rafat village council, Shafe’ Shehadeh, told Wafa that Israeli forces delivered notices to stop work and construction in the municipal stadium of Rafat. Houses under construction were also halted, some of which are inhabited by residents in the areas of al-Ras and Arara northeast of the village.

Israeli forces arrest 7 Palestinians in occupied West Bank raids

Israeli forces have arrested seven Palestinians while carrying out several areas across the occupied West Bank.

Sources told Al Jazeera that the forces raided the village of Harmala, east of Bethlehem, arresting one Palestinian and summoning three others for questioning.

They also conducted raids in al-Yamoun, Arrabeh and Silat al-Harithiya near Jenin, as well as in Nablus, in Burqa and Silwad east of Ramallah, and in Attil and Zeita near Tulkarem. Three Palestinians were arrested on Sunday from al-Yamoun and Arrabeh in the Jenin governorate, while two others were detained from ash-Shuyukh and Dura, near Hebron.

Palestinians ride a motorcycle on a damaged street following an Israeli military operation in Jenin in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, September 6

Families fled ‘without food, water, clothes, money’

Many families were forced from their homes in Jenin during a 10-day Israeli military incursion that ended on Friday, while others remained trapped.

At least 34 Palestinians were killed in the siege by the Israeli army.

“We left, and they didn’t let us take a single thing with us. We had no food, no water, no clothes, no money,” resident Saja Bawaqneh told Al Jazeera.

Palestinians assess damage in the street following an Israeli military operation in Jenin