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AMD deprioritizing flagship gaming GPUs: Jack Hyunh talks new strategy against Nvidia in gaming market
I had a chance to speak to Jack Huynh, AMD's senior vice president and general manager of the Computing and Graphics Business Group, during IFA 2024 in a question and answer session. Due to speculation that AMD won't launch flagship GPUs for its next-gen lineup, I pressed Huynh for information regarding the company's plans for the high-end GPU market with the RDNA 4-powered Radeon RX 8000-series. His comments sketch out a plan focused specifically on gaining market share in the GPU market above all else, and this strategy deprioritizes chasing Nvidia's highest-end gaming cards — at least for now.
TH: Price point-wise, you have leadership, but you won't go after the flagship market?

JH: One day, we may. But my priority right now is to build scale for AMD. Because without scale right now, I can't get the developers. If I tell developers, ‘I’m just going for 10 percent of the market share,’ they just say, ‘Jack, I wish you well, but we have to go with Nvidia.’ So, I have to show them a plan that says, 'Hey, we can get to 40% market share with this strategy.' Then they say, 'I’m with you now, Jack. Now I’ll optimize on AMD.' Once we get that, then we can go after the top.

>> Good. I doubt AMD will ever get more than 25-30% of the market, and that would already be a big success, but I'm glad they recognise what's really important and focus on achieving that. Now it only a matter of waiting and see if they are sincere, and it's not just PR talk, how long will they keep that strategy and how they plan to do it... so, basically, everything.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.