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Concord should have launched on PlayStation Plus if it was going to have a chance. Perhaps if it found a small player base on there with the smaller hurdle to try it out, different characters could have been added in time, or some variants of existing characters tried out.. but otherwise with its 'pro-woke' approach, and the hurdle to try it, and the fact the competition is free, better established, has better characters and by all reports has better gameplay it was always going to be a big ask.

Being pro-woke definitely hurt the game, and you'll see that with the next Ubi release as well, but whether it alone would have been enough to totally kill it.. probably not if it had of launched free to play... but whilst asking gamers to shell out for it? It definitely didn't help.

The forced diversity/desire to antagonise (conservative) White males has a lot of time to still to fully play out, but studios (both in film and game) might now be beginning to second guess how much they want to deliberately lose out on one side or another over pursuing a more middle road path.

The Disney release of 'Willow' is a case in point. A series that was *ideal* for those who'd grown up with cherished memories of the former, sharing the new version with their own young kids.. only for it to be given over to promotion of LGBTQ themes, failing to find an audience, and then being unceremoniously dumped from their service.

A better approach would have been to make an unabashed G rated (no adult themes) series for Willow, and something a little more niche to hit the LGBTQ/modern progressive teen market, perhaps not attached to an old and beloved IP. At least then if the latter failed, it wouldn't have sunk one of their assets along with it.. and if it was a success would have added a new IP they could profit from, without necessarily antagonising their audience as much as their chosen approach did.