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  • Tracer - Lesbian.
  • Soldier 76 - Gay.
  • Lifeweaver – Pansexual
  • Baptiste – Bisexual
  • Pharah – Lesbian
  • Venture – Non-Binary


  • Killjoy and Raze: Lesbian
  • Clove: Non-Binary.

What LGBTQ+ characters does Concord even have because I'm struggling to find it? All I can find is the game allows pronouns, I could only find this "There is no indicator to what the sexuality of any character in the game is, just that one uses they/them pronouns." and nobody would give a fuck about it having pronouns if it was a good game as evidenced by multiple other games with pronoun options.

Does Overwatch and Valorant have more LGBTQ+ characters than Concord? Lol.

WOKE Overwatch and WOKE Valorant utterly destroyed Concord. Gamers must want WOKE stuff!

Are we only upset about the game "not having a white guy" but having a guy that looks like a generic white dude anyway, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024