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chakkra said:
Ryuu96 said:

What does on-topic mean at this stage though, I see the thread was moved to Politics and I didn't notice until about 2 comments ago, Lmao. That should have been noted by the Moderator. Although I don't really blame them, this thread went wildly off-topic and into a political mess, is this going to be the future of certain gaming threads on this site?

Do we keep it in Politics and let people have their DEI/Woke whinge or do we move it back to Gaming and discuss the actual reasons why the game failed? Or do we lock it because it's too far gone at this stage and there's nothing more really that we can talk about as the reasons it has failed have already been gone over multiple times, the game is dead and most people have moved on already.


I think I'll let the other Mods decide, I don't tend to delve into the Sony section much anyway, a Gaming thread has gone so far off the rails and messed up that it was moved to Politics...I almost don't care anymore since noticing it was moved. I've far more important things to debate in Politics than "WOKE GAME!" and since it's no longer a Gaming thread I feel like it's already a lost cause in trying to get it back on course.

My brother in Christ.. this is exactly what we have been doing..

You have convinced yourself that the game failed because of a $40 dollars price tag, but you seem to have closed your eyes to the fact that the game reached a peak of players of 2,388 when it was totally free to try. Just to put that into perspective, Redfall managed to have almost three times as many people playing, while being $70 dollars! If that doesn´t tell you that people were not even willing to try this game, I don´t know what will.

No one said "it was because it was $40". The reason given was that it is a competitive space with bad characters.  

Redfall isn't in the same genre.