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Ugh I despised that crap. Very unlikely. If anything, I would have waited until it inevitably hit the bargain bin price of 100 bucks or something. More likely I would have just made the jump to PS4 and avoided it entirely. If I'm going to do heavy DRM bs where I essentially don't even own my own content I might as well just use Steam, which I already have and at that time had a decent gaming PC. So glad and relieved they received the message of the massive fan backlash on that one.

Plus Kinect REALLY irritated me and I thought (and pretty much still do) view it as a shameless ripping off of the very cheapest, most shallow aspects of the Wii philosophy (while still missing the point of the deeper reasons for Wii's success), and saw them as desperately trying to ride on their coattails. MS was really close to losing me to Sony in the early 2010s, but their backing off on the Kinect and DRM stuff kept me aboard.

It's funny to think I could have been a Sony gamer rn if MS didn't wisen up and listen to their fans on that policy.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 07 September 2024


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