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LurkerJ said:
curl-6 said:

If you're going to try selling a multimillion dollar video game, it turns out it's inadvisable to be deliberately contemptuous and exclusionary towards a large portion of your potential audience.
The devs were so focused on trying to fight a culture war that they forgot to actually create an appealing video game.

How many games out there without black or Asian or Latino characters?! Why is it important to have a white male as a character? 

What did the designers say exactly that robbed people off the wrong way? Would be nice to know

The game mechanics and gameplay seem solid, it’s not broken from a technical point of view, a highly polished product with no bugs. There are no scummy micro-transactions despite the genre’s predatory behaviours being normalised by gamers and even desired, this sort of trend bucking is refreshing to see and I hope devs, at Firewalk and elsewhere, don’t learn the wrong lessons from this failure. 

Non of this excuses the game for not clicking with its intended audience, but it’s also not an excuse for us to push our baseless narratives about why it failed either just because it flopped massively. 

We live in a world where a lack of white male characters is somehow more troubling than a bullying campaign that targeted the studio and devs relentlessly for months just because a group of entitled people feel like every game has to appeal to them? Talentless hackery. 

Supply and demand - that's why it's important.  A majority of the west is white males.  The majority of the audience for shooters is white males.  It's a numbers game, this should be obvious.

These things are almost never about token devs getting up their own ass politically.  A single developer or two can proclaim to hate all game players and white males but people generally won't care if the game is appealing.  It happens but it's fundamentally not the point.  These things are implicit persuasion, pathologically.  Concord's designs speak directly to the audience and the audience spoke back.  Not only are the designs unappealing in sexuality, the choices in color range are visual mud.  

It would be refreshing to have a live service game without bugs and MTX if the game we're talking about didn't look so damn boring.  It doesn't get more complicated than that on the development/gameplay side.  

If we rationalize this and not think of this emotionally, the white male option should always be available.  They play games, they play shooters, they have disposable income and if you're marketing to the west - and you always are - you have room temperature IQ if you believe you shouldn't always be trying to make them happy.

Video games are entertainment.  They should be entertaining.  And if you want to make money while making them, you supply for the demand for entertainment.  There's no demand for video games in the LGBT crowd, the pronoun crowd, the fat acceptance crowd or the DEI crowd.  Yes, white men are quite entitled to entertainment because they pay for an experience that pleases them, over and over again.  I don't know what happened to half the world that game developers/publishers(and more broadly, Hollywood and entertainment at large) don't have to do absolutely everything to please their audience.  If anyone are talentless hacks it's the morons who greenlight shit like Concord and the utter bootlickers who defend them.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"