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Israel forces six families to leave their homes in Jenin refugee camp: Report

Israeli soldiers have forced Palestinian families to evacuate their homes in the al-Damaj and Jorat al-Dahab neighbourhoods of the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, Wafa reports.

Local sources told the news agency that six families were forced to leave their residences in these neighbourhoods and were told to travel to villages west of Jenin using ambulances.

Wafa reported that since Israeli forces’s assault on the city of Jenin and its refugee camp, they have displaced hundreds of residents.

Israel creating ‘formula of explosion’ in West Bank, former negotiator says

Former Israeli captive negotiator Gershon Baskin has issued what he calls “words of warning” as about 200,000 Palestinians have not been able to work in Israel and the government withholds taxes and customs duties from the Palestinian Authority.

In a post on X, Baskin said the lack of work is causing “despair” and now “hundreds of thousands of young Palestinians are on the streets of the West Bank with nothing to do and with a lot of frustration and anger.”

Alongside that, the war on Gaza continues, and the death toll increases, creating what Baskin said is “the formula of explosion”.

“There are those in the Israeli government who want this explosion to occur and they add fuel to the fire by encouraging and allowing settler violence against innocent Palestinians. This is insane and super dangerous. If there are any responsible decision-makers left in the Israeli government, it is time to wake up and end this insanity,” he added.

Israel’s end game in the occupied West Bank is to ‘take over’

Mohamad Elmasry, professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, says that as Israel continues its military operation in the occupied West Bank, it’s clear that Israel’s “end game, ultimately, is to take over”.

“Israel has made this intention clear on numerous occasions. The idea of greater Israel is deeply rooted in Israeli politics. You have [Finance Minister] Bezalel Smotrich, who put out a plan just a few years ago about how Israel should annex the West Bank. So Israel’s always at war with the West Bank … it’s just being ratcheted up right now,” Elmasry said to Al Jazeera.

He added that the US’s response to Israel’s operation in the occupied West Bank would be “more of the same” as its response to the war on Gaza.

“[Netanyahu] is quite literally carrying out a genocide … and the US continues to stand by Netanyahu. I think it’s probably foolish at this point to think the US is going to change course in any meaningful way,” he said.