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Sixteen Palestinians arrested in latest West Bank raids

Israeli forces have arrested 16 Palestinians throughout the occupied West Bank since last night, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society, which keeps a daily record of Israeli arrests.

Among those detained are a girl, a prominent journalist and several former prisoners, according to the group.

Those detained were taken from the governorates of Ramallah, Hebron, Nablus, Jericho and Jerusalem, the group said, noting that Israeli forces attacked and threatened detainees’ families during the arrests.

Since October 7, Israeli forces have made more than 10,400 arrests during near-daily raids throughout the West Bank, according to the Prisoner’s Society.

Journalist Ali Dar Ali among Palestinians arrested in Ramallah

The Wafa news agency is reporting that Ali Dar Ali, a correspondent for Palestine TV, was among the five Palestinians taken into custody from the Ramallah and el-Bireh governorate.

The agency reported that Ali was detained following a raid on his home in the village of Burham.