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Top games is very vague because what the op views as top games may not be the same as what Nintendo views as "top games". Op does seem to be referring to AAA games, so I'm going to say no because there are too many factors in getting all the AAA games. These factors include Nintendo releasing their platform possibly off schedule for several 3rd parties due them aligning their schedules with Sony/MS. There's also the difference in hardware between Nintendo and the other console manufacturers and Nintendo themselves not being interested in targeting every AAA release for their console. I do think Sony/MS do a better job at lobbying for AAA 3rd party support leading to them having better relationships with more AAA 3rd party developers.

As for "top games", I think Nintendo likely has a different definition than AAA games equals top games. I think Nintendo takes more into account than budget and also validates you as a top game based on your success as well. For example, Op brought up Call of Duty and Resident Evil as both top games but I'm sure Nintendo knows which should be more of a priority due to its far higher success (CoD). I think so far this generation, Nintendo has done a good job of getting the TOP of the "top games" such as Fortnite, Minecraft, Fifa, Apex Legends, Overwatch, and Rocket League along the miracle ports and the retained AAA support from Japanese devs like Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest. Nintendo just needs to gather support from a few more such as CoD (already on the way), more of the annual sports franchises like Madden, more Japanese developers support like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy, and more support but not all from Ubisoft (Assassins Creed), Take Two (Red Dead, GTA?), and EA. Of course the miracle ports will continue but I honestly think that's what we should expect next gen and maybe in another gen or 2 we see a real focus on including Nintendo in the plans of all AAA games. That is simply going to take more time and maybe even the Xbox brand bowing out.