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Can't see any other way than this election being close based on past trends, the polling data and it ultimately coming down to a few states, I also don't think the debate will change much, it could provide a minor boost either way but it was my understanding that debates most of the time don't affect polling much, unless it's an absolute disaster like Biden exposing how old he is which was already becoming a problem.

Harris will likely beat Trump in the debates but Trump will do his typical Trump shit where he spits out 200 lies a minute and has Harris trying to counter those lies whilst confusing viewers on what to believe, basically the Russian approach of throwing so much shit out into the public that it doesn't matter what people believe, it's just about poisoning the information sphere and confusing everyone. Dems will say Harris won, Trump's cult will say he won, independents will think it was a mess because news orgs won't moderate properly and won't live fact check him.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 September 2024