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It's frustrating that Biden's foreign policy started off so well but in the past year it has just turned horrific, almost as bad as Obama's, it started strong with Biden restoring America's world standing, fixing relationships across the world, especially America's relationships with Europe, strengthening NATO and standing with Ukraine was objectively the morally correct thing, it is one of the most clear cut wars of good vs bad.

It's like since Israel vs Hamas his brain has turned to mush, but at least you could hand standing by Ukraine to him still, but this constant escalation management and dragging their feet has gone too fucking far now, America is actively helping Russia at this stage, they're helping Russia murder babies, they're helping Russia beat Ukraine, they're interfering in other countries military stances, enough is enough.

If Biden just swapped the foreign policy stances of Israel and Ukraine then things would be far better.

We're going to look back at this escalation management as one of the biggest fuck ups of this war, historians will look back and wonder why the fuck was America so damn cowardly after Russia did absolutely nothing after every other "red-line" and they will look back and put blame on Biden and Jake for more Ukrainians dying than necessary and if Ukraine loses they will be blamed too, especially by America's allies.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 September 2024