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West Bank’s Jenin ‘ravaged by violence’, UNRWA’s Lazzarini says

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini says Jenin has been “ravaged by violence [and] destruction” for a seventh day due to the Israeli military’s operation in the Palestinian territory.

“Over more than 150 hours, people have been undergoing an Israeli military operation, armed clashes & the use of explosives by Palestinian armed groups. Residents have limited access to food, water & medicine,” Lazzarini wrote on X.

He added that UNRWA was working alongside humanitarian and local groups to help deliver aid to the occupied West Bank and called for the “immediate protection of civilians”.

Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near Tulkarem: Report

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, two men have been killed by Israeli forces in the Thanabeh area east of Tulkarem. The official Wafa news agency reported that soldiers raided the area, surrounded a house and shelled it, which led to the two men’s deaths.

The ministry identified them as Rami Abbas and Nour Zayet. Their bodies, it said, were taken and are being withheld by Israeli soldiers.

‘We narrowly escaped death’: Journalists reportedly targeted near Jenin

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate says Israeli forces are targeting journalists with live bullets in the town of Kafr Dan, west of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, Wafa reports.

Wafa photographer Ayman Al-Nubani told the syndicate that Israeli forces “directly targeted” seven journalists with live fire, journalists who were riding in three press vehicles and wearing press protection vests.

“We narrowly escaped death,” Al-Nubani explained. “If we hadn’t sped up a bit in our car, they would have killed us. It was a direct assassination attempt.”

The photographer said he and his colleagues – Wafa photographer Mohammed Mansour, Raneen Sawafta with the Reuters news agency and freelance journalist Yazan Hamayel – were injured during the incident.

Al-Nubani added: “Ambulances arrived immediately, and we were transferred to Ibn Sina Governmental Hospital in Jenin, but [Israeli] forces intercepted us and obstructed the ambulances, … surrounding the hospital [and] subjecting us to an investigation while we were injured.”

Thirty-three killed in West Bank since Israeli incursion began: Health ministry

The number of Palestinians killed by Israel’s weeklong incursion into the occupied West Bank, ongoing since last Wednesday, has risen to 33, the health ministry says. It added that 130 people have also been injured in this time.

These latest figures raise the number of people killed in the occupied territory since Israel’s war on Gaza began last October to 685 and the number of injured there to 5,700.

Al-Quds Brigades’ Tulkarem Battalion claims detonating explosive device in clashes with Israeli forces

The Tulkarem Battalion of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s armed wing has claimed that its fighters were able to detonate an explosive device achieving “direct hits” as they fought with Israeli forces in the Tulkarem camp in the occupied West Bank.

“Our fight continues and our weapons are drawn in all arenas,” the group stated.

The Israeli army raided Tulkarem after earlier targeting it with drone attacks, today killing a 14-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl in Jenin.

The group’s Jenin Batallion also says that it detonated a pre-planted explosive device against Israeli military vehicles in the city, achieving “direct hits”.

Israeli attack on Jenin leaves residents running low on food and water

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers backed by helicopters and drones have been operating in Jenin and Tulkarem as well as other areas of the West Bank for the past week. The operation has caused severe damage to infrastructure as armoured bulldozers have torn up large stretches of city streets and destroyed or severely damaged houses and other buildings.

As the operation has gone on, aid workers have begun to warn that people in the area are starting to run low on food and water. Paramedic officer Murad Khamayseh from Jenin, who works with the disaster unit in the Palestine Red Crescent Society, said his unit has been distributing bread, water, milk, medical supplies and nappies.

“You are talking about seven days in a row. People were not ready for such a raid, aside from the fact that no one knows how long the raid will be,” he said.