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Netanyahu uses a map that does not show occupied West Bank border

At a news conference on Monday evening, Israel’s PM showed a map with the Gaza Strip highlighted but the occupied West Bank border omitted.

The map was highlighted by several experts, including Mairav Zonszein, a senior Israel analyst at Crisis Group, as an example of Netanyahu’s erasure of the occupied West Bank’s existence as Palestinian territory.

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, also responded on X, saying it shows that “from the river to the sea” is being presented “as a political plan by the man wanted by the ICC Prosecutor as an intel criminal”.

Palestinian Foreign Ministry slams Netanyahu’s use of map omitting occupied West Bank borders

Palestine’s Foreign Ministry has slammed Israel’s PM Netanyahu for using a map that erased the occupied West Bank borders, calling it the “truth of the colonial and racist agendas of the extremist right-wing government”.

“Netanyahu continues and repeatedly uses a map that includes the West Bank as part of the occupation state, in clear and explicit recognition of this racist colonial crime, and disregard of international legitimacy and its resolutions, international will for peace, and the signed agreements,” the ministry said.

“This behaviour is a blatant challenge to international efforts to stop the war of extermination and displacement and revive the peace process based on the two-state solution.”

The ministry added that it views the use of the map as a “flagrant violation of international law”, especially as Israel continues its military operation in the occupied territory for a seventh consecutive day.