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While the 360 was definitely the bigger console in terms of impact and games, I'll always have a sweet spot for the OG Xbox. From the futuristic bootup screen and UI to the games and Xbox Live, you truly felt like you were experiencing the future of gaming.

Hot take but I love the Duke controller lol. It came with the console I got, and I just got so used to it that I didn't like the Model S controller. But I'll never forget the experiences of Halo LAN parties with classmates, golden age BioWare with Star Wars KOTOR and Jade Empire, my introduction to Bethesda with The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and that unforgettable partnership with Sega. Like half of my OG Xbox collection were Sega exclusives. Jet Set Radio Future alone is one of my favorite games ever to this day.

But it really felt like Xbox came out of the gates storming. Several other franchises that I still love to play from time to time such as Project Gotham Racing, Amped, Crimson Skies, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, and Fable. That all culminated with the juggernaut that was Halo 2. The biggest launch in entertainment history up to that point. But I was also a kid and thought that X on the console itself looked sick as hell great console that had some great games that built lasting unforgettable memories for me.