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zero129 said:

So what if Sony releases their PS5 pro this year and with rumors of ms releasing the next gen xbox next year would this put Sony in a bit of a hard place as then they would have to release the ps6 sooner and piss off anyone who got the ps5pro or risk giving ms too long of a head start?. i also think ms wants to star next gen so quick to get rid of the series s.

"Generations" are slowly but surely losing their significance, and consoles are no longer Microsoft gaming division's main pillar. If Microsoft does release a new generation console, Sony shouldn't react by rushing a PS6. The vast majority of PS5/SeriesXS games were crossgen and it's sadly not going to be any different with the next generation.

An early new Xbox would only be problematic for Sony if Microsoft reverts to exclusivity and pulls out from supporting Playstation systems. Which I just don't see at this point but of course anything can happen.