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There is almost nothing to discuss in my opinion. When there're many games of one genre on market at some monent, there's always a chance that new games in such genre will get mixed reception. This game has released in a time when there are a lot of similar titles. Also this genre has a few famous free-to-play projects. This game has a price. It's not bad or good that this game has a price tag. It just has an impact on its popularity among silimar games. It's just another game which includes aspects of multiplayer, MOBA and so on. It's worth nothing that some players are cautious about video games as a service format. Some people don't trust Service Games because they believe that many of them won't be supported in a long term (and that's true as many Service Games stop getting updates after a couple of years). It's almost about the genre which has become generic and there's a stagnation among these games. Even if this game was perfect in every way, it also would have a chance to become ignored by some players. In such genres the overall quality does not always lead to popularity. There're many cases when some games had a big launch and then they were losing players. It's a matter of mix of factors like quality, marketing, a few original ideas, launch dates, road map of support. And don't forget this game has a price tag when some similar games are free-to-play. Free-to-play have a lot of microtransactions but it's not important for some players because these games are "funny and they are free".

Last edited by Vorodroid - on 02 September 2024