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JuliusHackebeil said:
Leynos said:

If you have ever referred to yourself as I. Congrats you use pronouns.

As others have pointed out, Concord[']s failure is not due to the implementation of pronoun choices.

But to what you have written: This might apply to some, but I would presume the majority of people is not upset because somebody uses pronouns. They are upset because somebody insists that they have to use pronouns wrongly.

I (-see, I am using them) know what a pronoun is. And I do not believe that gendered pronouns refer to gender at all. They refer to sex. Gender is way too new a concept for pronouns to account for, or be directed by gender. Yet, if somebody wants to have a different sex, perhaps I could be convinced to refer to them as what their sex is not.

But using plural pronouns for a singular person? That is over the line for me. Or made up pronouns like xir, zyr,... I once unironically herd a person claim "clown and clownself" as her pronouns. Ridiculous.

It is the newspeak of one of the worst counter cultures we ever had. Way more often a "screw you, dad!" from juvenile lack of purpouse and direction, than a serious illness. And every time a game has options to choose wrong pronouns, it gives legitimasation to a strangely puritanical, cencorious, overly self-absorbed mob of bullies. I say "bullies" because they claim ownership and authority, not only over general use of language, like pronouns, but also claim offence and try to shame and censor and cancel people into submission, when they don't want to play their silly word games.

And concord, by inclusion of pronoun choices, becomes part of that, even if their intentions were noble (I don't think they were).

Let me end my pronoun rant with this: third person singular pronouns: he, she, it - the gendered ones. I get why people started there. But as soon as you make pronouns up, you can also go to first person singular: I. That refers to oneself. And it is quite telling, that I seldom if ever see made up alternatives for "I". As if to say: "you have to talk silly now, referring to me. Not me though, referrig to myself."

And to fold concord in one last time: it is part of a style trend in gaming that I absolutely dispise. Fairgames too, and the concept art for London Studios unreleased game, Bungies incubation studios unreleased game, Fortnite to a degree, etc.. One concept art picture and I know I am hard out on these. Bunch of try hards, thinking about what other people think is cool, instead of making something actually worthwhile. I think that is the ultimate undoing of Concord: being a trend chaser without soul or identity.Well

First off...

"I don't like Bungie pinning all their hopes on it, especially after they've changed it to an extraction shooter, I'd have rather they tried another Halo-like success, a game with a strong SP/MP but I hope it works out for them because although I'm not a big fan of Destiny, Bungie is my childhood developer, the first I knew by name, they gave me my favourite IP ever.

Amazon Prime apparently has a whole episode dedicated to Concord. They sure put the cart before the horse there.

If Sony decides to shutter the studio. They should just assign them to other projects/studios rather than layoffs. 

Manchester Studio was closed after they spent so long, without a single game. "

What do these quotes from this thread have in common? They all use they to refer to a singular noun. Strange how you did not take issue to any of these, or any of the dozen other times people have used they as a singular noun. It is a perfectly acceptable way for a person to speak or write if they don't know the gender of an object or if the object they are referring to is sufficiently clear.  "I.e. I love my cat, they're the best cat in the world" and nobody has ever cared. Oh you had lunch with Bob? Aren't they the best?" I do this all the time, not with any woke purpose, but because it's natural to me, and nobody has ever said anything outside of an academic setting. 

Gender has existed for at least all of human history, and probably before that. Look in the bible, which contains different rules for men and women. There is no biological reason women should not be able to speak in church for instance, that is not about sex, that is about gender, the socially constructed rules we apply to different sexes. Absolutely not a new thing. Unless you are performing an anatomical exam on every person before describing them with a pronoun, then your pronoun usage is based largely on their gender, your perception of their sex based on how they present themselves

So even if we want to be strictly grammatical about it, it's fine for someone to ask me to use they/them especially in an online game. Unless they choose to tell me their gender/sex I have no idea what it is. If they don't wish to disclose that, then I really should use they/them, because that's what you're supposed to do when you don't know the gender of the noun. 

But most importantly, I do not believe for a solitary second that anybody is so deeply concerned about proper grammar that they throw constant hissy fits over pronoun usage. The English language is routinely violated on a daily basis. You was originally used for formal situations (the equivalent of the usted form in Spanish), yet now we use it in very informal situations (i.e. you are late to the orgy). Yet, nobody is clutching their pearls and feigning outrage that the way we used a pronoun has changed. In fact, I can't think of any other time improper language usage has caused such disdain.

As someone who has a degree in English, I am perfectly happy to use incorrect grammar if doing so will make someone else feel seen and respected. Because, it's fucking grammar. I don't give a shit. Nobody gives a shit. And the fact that they only give a shit in one narrow situation which involves a group of people that is constantly discriminated against is sus as fuck. 

Seriously, if anyone is actually upset that they have to use a plural pronoun when they think it should technically be a singular pronoun, they should be in a padded cell. 

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 02 September 2024