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BFR said:

Pi-guy: "Except it isn't one person"

Yes, it is that simple.  One person leads a political party here in the USA. Kamala leads the Demos and Trump leads the Repubs.

Of course, in 2028, there could be new leaders.


Also, Trump is the problem. He has divided the Repub party more than any other candidate, as the saying goes: United we stand, divided we fall.

No they don't. People pick who "leads" the political party. He won all 3 of his primaries pretty handily. 

Trump is a big idiot, but he's largely saying a lot of things that Republicans have been advocating for, well before he came onto the national stage.

Has Trump actually divided the Republican party more than any other candidate? Based on what metric? 

During the 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 elections, Republicans have gotten a pretty consistent share of the popular vote. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 31 August 2024