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BFR said:

Do not base your opinion on the entire Repub party because of one jackass.  Yes, he ran in 2016, 2020, and now in 2024.  However, I do not believe

he has the gusto to run in 2028.  If he did, then he just proves he's an old fart egomaniac.

I believe the Repub candidate in 2028 will be more centrist.  Again, time will tell.

Except it isn't one person. 

Republicans watch news that is very in line with Trump. I've seen family members that watch OAN, and they say stuff that's exactly as absurd as Trump. Fox News, Breitbart. 

Guys like Andrew Tate, Elon Musk. 

The special interests/extreme part of the party has been spent decades trying to convince the public that climate change isn't real, that Republicans are small government, that we need to reduce taxes and regulations - always in ways that exclusively benefit the rich and not in ways that benefit common people, that Democrats are baby killers, science isn't real, and the million other things. Complaining about "DEI", etc. 

Trump isn't the problem, he's simply part of the pattern of decades of disinformation. 

Hopefully enough Republicans are starting to wake up and reject a lot of this extreme nonsense.

But I think there's a big issue here, that you have this idea of what the Republican party is. These political parties are not static things. They're only the positions they support.

The Republican Party isn't whatever ideal that you have of them. 

Republicans have overwhelmingly supported Trump, even when most of the politicians have not appreciated how open he was about their positions. That is what the Republican Party stands for right now. Until they start pushing back against the very politicians they've voted for like MTG, Boebert, Trump, etc.

PDF said:

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and have changed my opinion a few times. 

I used to think that Republicans would care more about winning and this would direct them to centrist candidates. I no longer believe that, and now believe what Republicans care most about is sticking it to the Libs. 

The problem is when you've been creating this reality, that you are right about everything, and everything opposed to that reality is a lie or evil, then you have to do what's "right" to you. 

Rejecting the reality that has been created for you, is hard. It's a lot easier to convince people that the elections are being stolen, the Democrats are bad corrupt people than it is to admit that your reality is wrong.  

Hiku said:

I saw someone argue for this by showing that some states have no time limit on arbortion.
But how do you abort a child after it has been born? You can't because that's no longer an abortion.

It's a lot easier if you literally believe that abortion means "child killing".