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RedKingXIII said:

I would be pissed if Sony or Nintendo removed the physical option but no, I don't think I would quit gaming if (or when) that happened. I guess I would just stop buying PS consoles and would go to PC instead. At least you can get digital games for cheap on Steam, and there's more than one way to buy even Steam games

idk. I just like having options. Why some people is so against it or why they don't understand different people wants different things is beyond me. Not saying it happened on this thread, but I've seen in lots of places people wanting physical media to die and it's a bit ridiculous to me lol

Such super anty-physical opinions are often popular from places where people almost play digital media. In my country PC gaming is more popular than consoles (and PC gaming is almost digital for years) and even console players prefer downloads because there aren't many new physical games apart from a few AAAs. But these physical media are more expensive because they often come from other countries. That's why in my region physical things are considered to be outdated by many players.

It really depends on the region. While there's North America where there's a lot of choice of physical games, there are other places where it's more difficult to find new games in shops and the prices of discs are often higher.