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I don't think Switch missed out on nearly 5000 games. So saying it missed more than it received is laughable. But AAA! So fucking what?  145 million systems. Ah gee won't get AC Shadows or whatever. Doesn't matter. Switch has the largest library of games of any platform ever not named PC/Phone. Switch is closing in on 5000 games. It has sold 1.2 billion games. I don't think 3rd party will be a problem. Nintendo portable devices have never suffered on that end. Switch 2 will get enough big games a million mid-budget games and smaller games. Just like before and it won't be suffering. This very topic could have been posted in 2004 about DS vs PSP. Ah, it's not powerful enough yadda yadda. Nintendo got Luigi's Mansion 3, Tears of the Kingdom, and Xenoblade 3 on it. They will do things with Switch 2 people thought were not possible on that chipset as well.

Some of y'all need to chill and stop worrying about memory limitations and such. Every console every handheld deals with them and so do devs. If the money opportunity is there most devs will do the work to get it working. End of. If Activision puts Call of Duty MW on Wii.RE2 on a Quake on SEGA Saturn. Half-Life 2 on Xbox. SF Alpha II on SNES. Witcher III and Doom games on Switch. Then whatever game they want to put in the work may work. No use stressing about this. I'm sure the same was said on this very forum 8-9 years ago.

Last edited by Leynos - on 31 August 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!