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Chrkeller said:

Um, no.  The literal point of this thread is to discuss how many 3rd party AAA titles will the Switch 2 receive.  Ease versus difficulty in porting will dictate the answer to the very question being asked.  So no, it isn't irrelevant but flatly essential to the discussion.  

"get the same games the other system get?"

If we were being asked to discuss original content, yeah I would agree.  But we aren't.  We are discussing specifically how many ports the switch 2 will get.  Again, the easier porting is, the more ports it will get.  

Again. It is irrelevant as there is more to memory bandwidth/throughput than just the black and white transfer rates of the memory bus itself... I already elaborated on this prior so I don't see the need to touch upon it again.

Knitemare said:

Powerful enough to develop for it in mind... no. Popular enough to port downgraded games to it... yes.
Nintendo focusing on power stopped long time ago, when they realized they cant get into direct blows with Microsoft and Sony.

Well. Sony and Microsoft don't design the chips in their consoles. AMD does.
Nintendo has access to that same avenue if it did decide it wanted to "trade blows" with Microsoft and Sony on the hardware front, they all have access to identical technology.

The real limiting factor actually comes down to money.

Nintendo doesn't really like to subsidize it's hardware if it doesn't need to.. And as an entire entity, has much lower quarterly revenues compared to Microsoft and Sony who have other large business ventures in other markets so it's a bit of a risk to do it anyway.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--