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Life at a standstill in Jenin during Israeli raids, settler attack

Right now all eyes are on Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp where an unannounced curfew is in place. Nobody has been able to leave their home. Anybody attempting to do so is being shot at by Israeli forces, residents tell us.

Nearby in Huwara, further to the south in the occupied West Bank, an Israeli settler took to the street, shot at Palestinians in that street, and was protected, as per usual, by Israeli soldiers, bringing life in that main artery also to a halt.

Infrastructure in occupied West Bank cities ‘decimated’

What has happened to the population is that life has come to a halt. The infrastructure is decimated. People have no access to water or electricity.

Schools are about to open, and when you have families gathering their essential documents, thinking of where they can seek refuge outside of those areas, it’s very difficult to be planning for the first day of school.

So in many ways, life has been upended in the northern West Bank. If people work in Ramallah for example and their homes are in Nablus or in Jenin, they haven’t been to work for three days.

Internet remains down in Jenin: Watchdog

NetBlocks says internet connectivity in the occupied West Bank city remain “limited” for a second day in a row as result of power outages that also impacted telecommunication services.

Earlier, an “unannounced curfew” was in imposed on Jenin city and the Jenin refugee camp.

Residents of Jenin face food and water shortages

Witnesses who spoke to Al Jazeera say Israeli forces imposed a siege while banning the movement of Palestinians, including those with chronic and serious diseases from receiving treatment. Residents of the eastern neighbourhood of Jenin face severe shortages of food and water, they say.

Israeli forces raided homes in the area, leading to women being taken away in ambulances and the detention of children and young people.