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Israel’s West Bank presence is ‘unlawful’: UN rapporteur

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, says Israel’s claim that its raids in the occupied West Bank are justified under the law of self-defence “has no validity”.

In a post on X, she said that 20 years ago, the International Court of Justice determined that Israel “could not invoke self-defence under article 51 of the UN Charter to justify its Wall in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)”.

“This past July, the Court indicated that Israel’s very presence in the oPt is itself unlawful”.

“Israel’s perversion of the law on self-defence must be recognized for what it is: a brazen attempt to provide an imprimatur of ‘legality’ to the maintenance of its unlawful aggression against the territorial integrity and political independence of the State of Palestine”, she said.

Israel brought ‘systematic brutality’ from Gaza to West Bank: Turkish FM

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says, “Israel is not only committing genocide in Gaza, but it is now extending this war to the West Bank, Lebanon, and potentially other nations it deems as enemies which we cannot know or predict.”

Fidan said at a joint news conference with his Slovenian counterpart in Ljubljana that Israel has been carrying out occupation, oppression, cruelty and massacre in the region and called on the international community to stop Israeli crimes being committed in the Palestinian territory.

“The Netanyahu government continues to play with fire. It is endangering the future of the entire region to maintain its position. Everyone who remains silent on the Gaza issue, especially those who support Israel unconditionally, is under a burden. Israel’s barbarity must finally come to an end,” he said.

The minister also called on the international community to use all available diplomatic pressure mechanisms to stop the war.

Israel ‘replacing Indigenous Palestinians with the colonial settlers’

Saleh Hijazi, apartheid-free policy coordinator for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, says Israel is a “settler colony” that is intent on “replacing Indigenous Palestinians with the colonial settlers”.

“It does so through genocide like in Gaza, … through ethnic cleansing like we’re seeing right now in the north, west, and middle of the occupied West Bank, and through apartheid against all of the Palestinian people,” Hijazi told Al Jazeera.

He called on the international community to boycott Israel for its 76 years of “criminal activity, the systematic killing, systematic torture, and systematic destruction of poverty and livelihood”.


Finland slams Israel’s forced eviction of Palestinians in occupied West Bank

The escalation of Israeli military offensives in Jenin is exacerbating an already fragile situation, Finland’s Foreign Ministry said.

“The expansion of settlements as well as the alarmingly increased settler violence and forced evictions of Palestinians are against international law and run counter to international efforts to de-escalate the situation,” it told Anadolu Agency.

“We are concerned by the increased violence in West Bank and are monitoring the situation closely. We urge all parties to de-escalate the situation and refrain from provocative actions and statements.”

When will we see the end of this bothsidesism... Does Finland call on Ukraine to stop defending itself and stop resisting occupation as well? Of course not. For once have the balls to call out Israel instead of this 'all parties' nonsense. This is a war against civilians.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 30 August 2024