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Renamed said:
BFR said:

Renamed: "Who runs the RNC now?"

Trump does for this year, next year it will be someone else.

Laura is only the co-chair and it will only be someone else next year if the 168 member voting electorate have a massive change in support.  She, and the primary chair, were elected by acclamation in March.  Basically a 168-0 win.   There does not seem to be any dissent from within the RNC itself no matter how the actual voters feel.

BFR said:

When orange-hair-clown loses in November, I hope Repubs will pivot to a new leader, one who is more Reagan Republican than MAGA Republican.

I don't see a future for MAGA after Trump loses.  Who will carry the torch after his defeat? And this will be his last run.

Reagan Republican?  Nah.  If they really wanted to shake things up, they'd prop up a Rockefeller Republican.  

A lot of feelings can change over the course of one year...Are you shitting me? Name me one Repub who recognizes the name Rockefeller over Reagan?