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Dozens of extremist Israelis storm Al-Aqsa Mosque

Wafa news agency reports that at least 160 far-right Israeli settlers have entered Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem today, under the protection of Israeli security forces.

Wafa added that the settlers performed Talmudic rituals there and that Israeli forces tightened their military measures in the Old City of Jerusalem and restricted the entry of Palestinian worshippers.

Extremist Israelis have stepped up their actions against the Muslim holy site in recent months, threatening a tenuous status quo and provoking members of the Islamic world.

In July, Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir entered the mosque, in a move that was widely condemned by the international community.

Freed Israeli captive’s Bedouin village targeted for demolition

Israeli authorities plan to demolish much of the Bedouin village of Khirbet Karkur, where recently freed Israeli Bedouin captive Kaid Farhan al-Kadi hails from, because they consider its structures illegal.

A spokesperson for the Israel Land Authority said that it would not issue a demolition notice to al-Kadi’s family “in light of the situation”, but declined to comment on the plight of his fellow villagers, 70 percent of whose homes are slated for demolition.

The conflict underscores the complicated relationship between Israel’s government and the Bedouin community, which often faces discrimination. While Bedouins are Israeli citizens and some serve in the army, about a third live in villages the government has deemed illegal and wants to tear down.

There have been 1,325 Bedouin homes demolished in the first six months of 2024, a 51 percent increase over the same period in 2022, according to the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, which tracks demolitions in the Bedouin community.

Israeli forces demolish Hebron home of family of 17: B’Tselem

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has released footage that shows the home of a Palestinian family of 17 people, including 11 children, being demolished by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.

Home demolitions are a frequent practice carried out against Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank, particularly those living in Area C, which is under full Israeli control, and even Palestinians living in Israel.

Israeli authorities often officially say that the structures built do not have the proper permits, but Palestinians and human rights groups say the permits are rarely granted to Palestinians as illegal Israeli settlements expand across the occupied territory.

Israeli operations in Tubas continues

The governor of the occupied West Bank governorate has spoken to Al Jazeera Arabic about the Israeli operation in Tubas.

Here are his translated comments:

  • What is happening in the West Bank is a major massacre.
  • The occupation forces isolated the Far’a camp from the city of Tubas.
  • There is a presence of occupation forces and military aircraft and the siege of the governorate continues.
  • The occupation has destroyed all the sewage networks in the Far’a camp.
  • The occupation blocked the road to ambulances and attacked medical crews.