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I approach AI with caution.

I do not like the training method that has been employed. It's practically all stolen data. They took peoples art, talent, ideas, etc...without permission or compensation. The resulting product isn't artificial, it's an amalgamation.

Another issue is the feedback loop. AI is already starting to be fed AI. This feedback loop will result in homogenized, repetitive and just plain shittier results. Why create new human art if AI can do it? But if no new human art, AI art never changes.

Biases. Humans are bad enough. But programmed, even unintentional, biases are worse because they be ubiquitous. Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO). That a maxim software developers live by. This is related to the above issue too.

Privacy, security, ethics, transparency, legal. The issues are numerous and largely ignored for the sake of being first or most marketable. Greed and power with AI tools. Fantastic.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.