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V-r0cK said:

If Sony wanted to up their FPS library they would've made more (and possibly spent less) if they made either a new Resistance or Killzone.

Hell, Sony could've even made more if they made a sequel to Days Gone or even The Order 1886,

If these games had performed better, then maybe. But all of these games would've had to undergone fundamental changes to exist in today's market, even SP titles, that there's no way of calculating what their budgets would've ended up being.

And the pitch for Days Gone 2 never went beyond Bend management. They were the ones who decided not to pursue it.

curl-6 said:
twintail said:

This is more an indictment of just how sorry a state gaming is in right now.

That a game needs to confirm to some set standard, outside of gameplay fun factor, to be seen as ok enough to play only continues to contribute to the homogenisation of games.

There have been factors other than just gameplay in a game's appeal for basically as long as gaming has existed.

Character designs matter, particularly for a game like this. Most people want to play as characters that are appealing and cool, not ugly and lame.

I don't disagree. But I stand by my thoughts on homogenisation.