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epicurean said:
Ryuu96 said:

How so, because I said don't use "Alphabet Community" which is often used in a derogatory way towards LGBTQ+ community? Would you likewise take issue if I told someone not to call someone else a slur or severe insult such as "Cunt"? Lol. I have never seen someone use "Alphabet Community" for any other reason than to mock LGBTQ+ community and like I said, we have a number of those on these forums, including moderators.

Okay if you want me to be more specific, I think less than 10% of the gaming population cares about seeing "They/Them" on a character creation screen, Lol. You make the mistake that so many gamers make in thinking that communities like Reddit/Forums/Twitter represent the majority of gamers when in fact we are the vast minority, that's why you'll see 90% of online communities talking shit about how terrible Call of Duty is but it still sells the most every single year.

Concord failed for a dozen different and far larger reasons than "They/Them" and even if it was an great title without "They/Them" pronouns there's a strong chance it still would have failed given the market it is attacking, but as I pointed out, there are numerous titles with "They/Them" pronoun options and Non-Binary characters which didn't receive anywhere close to this level of hatred nor did they fail because ultimately the vast majority of people do not give a crap. Concord though, is a mid title that nobody is playing being crushed by its competition which has 6+ LGBTQ+ characters.

Why does Concord hate straight white men?

This dude looks pretty white male to me...

The group exists, that is factual, I don't know what it costs to put "They/Them" in some text, I'm pretty sure it won't be that expensive (Lol). You cannot make the claim that they don't exist though because they aren't playing Concord, nobody is playing Concord, Lol. Why can't I then provide a rebuttal that they do exist in massive numbers because look at how popular BG3 is?

I wouldn't do that, I ultimately don't have the numbers of how many "They/Them" or LGBTQ+ community people play videogames but I'm happy to see people feel represented, to feel like they belong, I'm not shunning these people out of videogames, I am still represented and have been represented for dozens of years, having a "They/Them" option or gay character or black character in a videogame does not affect me at all but it makes others happy and quite frankly I don't give a fuck about if bigots are upset about that, the world should move forward, not backwards.

To use an example of something else that likely doesn't make companies much money, those adaptive controllers for disabled people, but I frankly don't give a shit how much money Xbox/Sony are making from them, they're objectively a great thing to do, yet I don't see people complaining "DISABLED PEOPLE ARE A MINORITY IN GAMING WE SHOULDN'T CATER TO THEM" over something that doesn't hurt them at all.

17% of Gamers Classify as LGBTQ.

Course, we don't know how many are Trans or Non-Binary.

20% of Gamers Classify as Disabled

33% in UK and USA

But like the above, disabled is a wide term, I would classify as disabled but I can use a regular controller just fine.

Nevertheless, they're a minority, so I guess we should say "fuck you, we shouldn't cater to you, waste of money" nah we don't do that because people tend to know better than to be assholes against disabled people, but people have yet to learn that message about being assholes to other people that are different than them such as when it relates to race or sexual orientation.

The lead character designer made sure to point out he was latino and that there were no white male characters in the game.

He looked like a generic white dude to me, Lol. But anyway, Latino isn't a race, someone is Latino regardless of their race but most Latino's consider themselves white. Having said that, if the lead character designer said there's no white males in the game then there's no white males in the game.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024