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US is Israel’s accomplice, not a ceasefire mediator

On July 21, 2006, nine days into the 34-day Israeli war on Lebanon that killed 1,200 people, United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice opined that “an immediate ceasefire without political conditions does not make sense”.

In response to a journalist’s question at a press briefing, she declared that she had “no interest in diplomacy for the sake of returning Lebanon and Israel to the status quo ante”.

In addition to manoeuvring to delay a ceasefire, the US also expedited shipments of precision-guided bombs to Israel to assist in the mass slaughter.

Just two and a half years later, Rice was back agitating against a too-quick ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, where over the course of 22 days in December 2008 and January 2009 Israel massacred some 1,400 Palestinians.

Fast forward 15 years, how is Washington positioning itself when it comes to ceasefire talks? Is it purposefully dragging out negotiations?

Borrell issues warning over Israeli violations of holy sites status quo

The EU’s top diplomat has warned that “regional stability is at stake” amid repeated violations of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem by Israelis, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Borrell reiterated Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi’s call to the international community “to take effective action to stop the illegal Israeli measures that violate the historical & legal status quo at occupied Jerusalem’s Holy Sites”.