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curl-6 said:
BFR said:

The train ride in Uncharted 2 blew my mind, it felt like myself hitting the flashing signal signs, a surprising 3D effect.

Yeah the train ride, being inside the collapsing skyscraper, the cat and mouse game with the tank in the village, the giant chunk of temple you're on in Shangri-la breaking loose and sliding down the mountain, so many mind blowing sequences.

Gears of War too with the rain level where water is running over everything, or the kryll swarm.

Those two, Crysis, and Wii Sports/Resort where my biggest wow moments of the generation.

Funny thing, Crysis was one of disappointments from that period for me - sure, it looked really good, I got to play it on ATI 4850, so I had no issue running it, but as I big fan of original FarCry, and Crysis being its spiritual successor (given that FarCry 2 had very few to have in common with FarCry, apart from the name and engine), I found it to be a lot less engaging game than FC1 - especially in the later part of the game, when it becomes quite linear.