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Renamed said:
IkePoR said:

Petty theft isn't a big deal, ultimately, but it's illegal in order to discourage the behavior.  We ought to make it illegal because petty theft would be more prevalent if it wasn't.

"It's not a big deal" isn't a reason why we ought to do something.  Can you give me a reason?

Holy strawman had sex with a red herring and gave birth to a false equivalency, Batman.

If I steal your food, that's petit theft.  If I take your bill money, that petit theft.  You might miss a meal or even have your electricity turned off.  That's real world negative repercussions. But if I give you the option, the OPTION to be represented even just a little bit in a recreational distraction....

Reason?  Inclusivity.  Representation.  Validation.  Affirmation.  Maybe to have 10 seconds in the character select screen to give a person who's been shit on all their life a tiny moment of simply being seen and recognized for just existing. 

So let me steelman this back to you so we aren't talking past each other.  You're saying we ought to have pronouns in character select screens because it affirms peoples feelings.  

Okay, what people?  Because no one bought it, no one's playing it to receive this validation.  This is a device that is disliked by a decently measurable part of the gaming space, a group that speaks to boycotting games with it in them.  Why, as a business, would you push those people out to appease a group of people that make up 1% of the population?  By the way, that's a fraction of a percent that actually plays games.  How is this a net positive we ought to do?

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"