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epicurean said:
Renamed said:

The character issues are not DEI or Woke or CRT or whatever. :eyeroll:

The problem is they simply have very little appeal about them.  They look like a character creation screen that set everything to random.  The aesthetics are incongruent and don't lend much to intrigue the player to learn more about them.  

In more modern parlance, they give off NPC energy.

Eh....putting pronouns in games is going to turn some people off. Like, any mention of that sort of thing and at LEAST 25% of people will boycott it loudly. Then having your lead character designer railing against people who dont like the designs/white people is going to add to that. I dont think its the whole reason it flopped, at all, (TLOU2 had a trans character, and it still sold very well) but its a part of it.

That's true. Many in the gaming community have continued to push back against overtly progressive themes in video games in general. While I don't go by pronouns in my personal life, I recognize that video games are creative endeavors where quite literally anything goes. It's 99.9% of the time a work of fiction. There should never be any sort of boundary as to what you can and can't do in video games and by extension, segregating potential players to your game. 

Yeah, there have been some vocal developers that do try to go against those who hate their game purely for the progressive aspects of their game, but then they reveal their own personal biases out of it, whether good or bad, such as being racist against white people. I miss the days of pre-social media where developers could quietly work on their games, and only studio leads, or PR representatives would be the only ones you would usually hear from. If you make yourself known as a game developer online today, and you start to share your own beliefs, you're going to get subjected to a tabasco drenched dick full of criticism!

Either way though, video games should be safe spaces regardless of who you are, and I do commend developers for making all feel welcomed. And we as gamers should just respect that, and each other. We're all gamers after all! Because either way, progressive ideologies in video games will overwhelmingly not be the deciding factor on whether a game is good or not. I don't see many people losing their heads about Monster Hunter Wilds being able to wear any clothing on any gender. Or even in Baldur's Gate 3 where you literally could fuck a bear so it'll primarily be many in gaming to kind of just, grow up lol.

A good game is a good game in the end. And from what it seems when it comes to Concord, progressive aspects is the last reason why the game is failing lol.