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method114 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yup. Though I'm not sure I'd describe Alan Wake 2 as a "flop" even, I think it will eventually turn a profit.

For Remedy though...I'm sure they're happy for the most part, Epic funded 100% of development for years, including the salaries of their employees, technically, Remedy hasn't lost any money on Alan Wake 2, only Epic has (thus far) but it may still sell enough to start turning a profit.

Epic's deal is 100% funding for everything, the development, the marketing, the salaries, and only when the game meets enough sales to recoup that 100% do Epic start sharing profits at a 50/50 split. I believe that Alan Wake 2 will eventually reach that. It's not a massive seller out the gate, like Alan Wake 1, it's a slow burner but it's currently selling faster than Alan Wake 1.

But Remedy, they had their entire game funded and they had their salaries covered for years, they didn't lose money on Alan Wake 2, they got to make the game they wanted and keep all IP rights. Meanwhile they have other games which continue to sell and other publisher agreements to work on, that's often the life of an independent developer, working from publisher to publisher.

But yeah, Alan Wake IP is what I'd call a "average" seller anyway, it was never a big selling IP.

Anyway, the fans still enjoyed it and it won a lot of critical acclaim.

Yea don't almost all their games take a while to make a profit? I'd like to see how Control did. I loved Alan Wake but MS wouldn't even let them do a sequel and only wanted something new from them so clearly even the first game didn't perform so well. Which is a shame because I love the studio but all their games seem to be very niche. 

Yeah, if Alan Wake 1 was a huge seller, it would have got a sequel much earlier, Lol. Probably only got one because Timmy of Epic wanted to spite Steam by any means necessary. But yeah, Remedy's titles are slow burn sellers, Alan Wake 2 will profit I've no doubt, eventually. $75m is quite a high budget though.

But uhhh, this is getting a bit too off-topic now, Lol.