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twintail said:
curl-6 said:

A game like this really needs have cool/sexy/badass characters, whereas the character design in Concord is some of the worst I've ever seen

This is more an indictment of just how sorry a state gaming is in right now.

That a game needs to confirm to some set standard, outside of gameplay fun factor, to be seen as ok enough to play only continues to contribute to the homogenisation of games.

I think it's harmful to indict an entire industry based on what works.  Because an indictment on gaming is an indictment on the people playing games themselves.  A decade ago I might agree with you; as it is now there are more than enough examples of the market deciding that games directly promoting and featuring progressive ideologies aren't in.  

If you think games need naught all but fun factor to be okay enough to play, we might as well go back to just playing Pong.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"