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Israeli attack on TRT journalists an ‘attempt to conceal the truth’, Turkey says

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has said that an Israeli attack on journalists from Turkish public broadcaster TRT is an “effort by bloodstained Israel to conceal the truth”. “We stand in solidarity with all journalists who are tirelessly working to expose Israel’s oppression to the world,” the ministry wrote in a statement on X.

A cameraman for TRT Arabi was wounded on Monday in Israeli shelling in the southern Gaza Strip.

Mohammad al-Zeineen sustained an eye injury from a piece of shrapnel after the Israeli army targeted a car beside a tent for journalists near Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.

Evacuation orders in Deir el-Balah ‘final blow’ to aid operations

Alexandra Saieh of Save the Children says it has become “practically impossible” to operate in Gaza.

“The so-called evacuation orders that Israel has issued this month in Deir el-Balah may be the final blow to the aid operations in Gaza,” Saieh told Al Jazeera. “It is the only area with any sort of infrastructure intact, and these evacuation orders have completely upended the aid hub that was set up in there.”

Saieh said setting up aid operations was not like “turning an on and off button”.

“You have to set up predictable supply lines. You have to find a location that has some semblance of security. Of course, nowhere in Gaza is safe, but this is why these operations are just collapsing,” she said.

“Our staff has been displaced. The staff of other aid organisations has been displaced. Warehouses that are storing critical aid supplies are now inaccessible.”

Who is lying?

Blinken says Israel has agreed to Gaza withdrawal terms in ‘bridging proposal,’ despite reported comments from Netanyahu

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Tuesday that despite reported comments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has agreed to withdrawals of IDF forces from Gaza that are laid out in the recent mediators’ proposal to get closer to a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

“The agreement is very clear on the schedule and the locations of IDF withdrawals from Gaza, and Israel has agreed to that,” said Blinken in remarks to reporters before departing Qatar.

Blinken was responding to Israeli media reports that Netanyahu told a group of families of terror victims and hostages that he conveyed to Blinken that Israel will not leave the Philadelphi corridor along the Egypt-Gaza border and the Netzarim corridor, which bisects Gaza, “regardless of the pressure to do so.” They are “strategic military and political assets,” Netanyahu added, according to the reports.