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I haven't read through all this, but I think its a combination of a bunch of factors that just had a bunch of ill-will focused on this game.

Sony has had a lack of 1st party studio releases, specifically single player story driven content they are known for. This got released during a time when (before astrobot was announced) the only announced single player game in sony's portfolio for PS5 was Wolverine, which is, like, a decade away. I think this pissed off a lot of Sony fans that felt betrayed by the company for GAAS.

Factions got cancelled. A lot of people were really looking forward to that, more than any other "online" game Sony had planned. In a binary world, it was Factions vs. Concord. Again, people pissed off.

Whether you/we agree with it or not, it did (call it woke if you want) things inserted. Each character has their pronouns listed (he/him, she/her, they/them, undecided). Character designs were also less of their target audience. The lead character designer also said some very...ummm...unflattering(?) things about white males. I would say at least 30% of the gaming community is turned off by these things.

I'm not saying any of these arguments hold water, but they all contributed to the hatred towards Concord. They basically kept chopping their audience in half until it was really small, then threw it into an overcrowded genre of game where most only play "one" of the choices.

I feel bad for the staff, they put a lot of hard work in. That said, even as a Sony fan, this is not what I want, I am not interested in it whatsoever, and I hope they pivot away from games like this.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS